Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Keep on keepin' on

We set off from the camp site at 10 but take our time exiting the park. Bud has to investigate what appear to be midget beavers, and after two poops, a final swim is definitely in order.

Down the highway, just four miles or so, a journalist from the local paper catches us for a roadside interview. Nice guy. It seems he's got a similar interest in highlighting news which is edifying rather than fixating on all the muck. It's always nice to come across positive press. I feel strongly that more messages of goodness and gratitude can help encourage others.

Anyway, not too much later, a young couple stop to say hello and contribute water as well as a couple nutritious things to snack on. They're heading south on 231 for Bloomington, which I'm told is like the New York of Indiana. Time passes slowly. It's not terribly hot, but it is quite muggy, so we take a break in the tiny town of Morton where, as far as I can tell, the only operating business is a country store; I get a tasty pickled baloney sandwich with Colby cheese.

By 22:00 we've reached Danville and since there isn't a park in which to pitch my tent or a motel anywhere in sight, I'm sat here at a gas station again, thinking about what the next move should be. Soon, a group of young men come through, and they're eager to talk. They contribute a bag of jerky and some Beggin Strips 'as a token of [their] appreciation.' Not quite sure what I've done to receive such favour, but everyone loves to be appreciated.

Later, a couple of city officers pull up. I immediately go on the defensive, but it's totally unnecessary. They've simply stopped to say hello. We talk a bit, and I try to explicate some of my inspiration for this journey: the amazing blessings of life in America, and the value (relative to other countries I've visited) of having the freedoms that citizenship affords. They both seem to be on the same page and offer some helpful info about where to locate accommodations further down the road. I had been hesitant to go any further at night, but Chase and Jeff inform me that there's a wide shoulder and divided highway just east of town. So, I guess I'll push on to Avon and hopefully find a good budget motel for me and the pup.

Just as I'm wrapping things up two more gentlemen approach, the first with bags of dog food and the second with another package of Beggin Strips. Buddy has a remarkable talent for evoking sympathy in people, even when he's just sleeping.

'Man,' I remark jokingly, 'we ought to spend more nights in front of gas stations.'

Guess we'd better hit the road before the cart overflows with treats.


  1. Lucas,
    I feel blessed to have met you and your precious puppy, Buddy, yesterday. Wishing you and Buddy Godspeed and a safe journey home.

  2. So exiting to see comments from those you've met along the way. Did you get name of paper for the article?

  3. It was my cousin Brad with the Rockville local newspaper. It was such a pleasure crossing paths with you. What a wonderful just down right awesome human being. Wishing you and Buddy safe travels.

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words. I was equally blessed to make your acquaintance
