
A bit of help to bear the load

My new pushcart arrived the other day. Originally, I'd thought to just backpack the trip like last time, but when faced with the new challenge of dog food and water for two, as well as the memory of aching hips and knees, a cart seemed to be the best option. I don't have a lot of confidence that this contraption will make it the whole way, but if I can get a thousand miles out of it, the money will have been well spent. Buddy doesn't mind walking along side of it, and I suspect that it'll help to keep the gear dry in wet weather.

Home away from home

My family was recently able to pick this tent up in Portland when they went to G. Grandmother's 98th birthday party. I think it'll provide a much better experience than that old dome tent I packed along in October. This one's much lighter and is more suitable for cold, rainy weather. The fly design will also allow Buddy to remain sheltered from the elements while giving him freedom in the night to come and go as he likes.

This cool walking stick was made my friend Mike. I'm certain that I'll find all sorts of practical uses for it.

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